
World Wrap

World Wrap

– Global equities and Commodities rallied, while prices on US Treasuries and the Dollar declined.
– Last week’s stock rally was broad – all sectors, styles and factors moved higher.
– China’s re-opening narrative has been a dud, but their stock market managed to cross into positive return territory for 2023 after a one week increase of 3.6%.
– Crude oil futures advanced by 7% in a week where all key commodities climbed.

World Wrap

World Wrap

– Global equities climbed modestly – fixed income and commodities were flat. S&P 500 hit the 20% rally threshold some use to define ends of bear markets.
– The most beaten up styles and sectors followed up with a second week of outperformance, which came at the expense of a decline in Large Cap Tech stocks.
– A 2.25% rally in Japanese equities helped push its year to date return above the US equity market.
– US Initial Jobless claims shot up to 261K, an 18 month high. Yield Curve Inversion is close to entering its ninth month.


Market Risk Index

Market Risk Index scales from 0 to 100%. Higher readings correspond with higher risk markets. Scores below 25% are bullish. Scores between 25-75% are neutral, and scores above 75% are markets vulnerable to major drawdowns.

Model Category Readings (Percentiles)

  • Psychology 99.7% 99.7%
  • Monetary 87.2% 87.2%
  • Valuation 99.3% 99.3%
  • Market Trend 9.8% 9.8%