
World Wrap

World Wrap

– All major asset classes saw higher prices, but commodities were the biggest winner.
– Classic risk-on week when it came to sectors – with Healthcare, Staples, and Utlities declining while all other sectors advanced.
– Developed markets kept international equity indices in the green, as more than 60% of countries declined during the week.
– A barrel of Crude Oil crossed back above $80 for the first time since November. Oil prices are up more than 12% ytd.

World Wrap

World Wrap

– Nice gains for global equities, modest gains for Global Fixed Income, and losses for Commodities last week.
– All sectors and factors advanced, but small cap stocks struggled. Every small cap style box declined.
– 34 of 45 countries that we follow advanced. China’s equity market has had strong performance two weeks in a row.
– REITs are struggling across the board. They lagged this week despite a rally in bonds. They are the worst performing key asset class year-to-date.


Market Risk Index

Market Risk Index scales from 0 to 100%. Higher readings correspond with higher risk markets. Scores below 25% are bullish. Scores between 25-75% are neutral, and scores above 75% are markets vulnerable to major drawdowns.

Model Category Readings (Percentiles)

  • Psychology 99.7% 99.7%
  • Monetary 87.2% 87.2%
  • Valuation 99.3% 99.3%
  • Market Trend 9.8% 9.8%